Saturday, September 10, 2011

A Year and a Half and Two Hills Later...

Well, here I am again after a LONG hiatus from the blogging world. I have no real reason or excuse for my absence other than the fact that summer came and went...and then winter came and went...and now (hopefully) another summer is on it's way out. In the meantime, however, first grade was awesome and lots of end of the year awards were received by our sweet little Webb, from our sweet K-Kay. He loved being in her class and just could not understand why he couldn't just do 2nd grade in her classroom. He played baseball again this summer and was once again...A GATOR. Not the same team, but a Gator all the same. Our headcoach was Derick Biglane, a lifelong friend of mine. We had a busy, and super HOT summer. Oh, and I've failed to mention that we have two new additions to our Hill gang.

Let me just tell you what a shock this was as it flashed up on the big screen at the doctors office!

John Harper and William Turner Hill made their suprise arrival on June 29, 2011. Harper was born at 7:53 AM at 4lbs. 11oz. and Turner at 7:54 AM at 5lbs. 6oz.

Mimi came as soon as she got the call at 3:30 or so that morning and we had her here for about 6 weeks! Can you believe that? I sure can't! She is truly amazing and wish we all lived closer to one another. No worries really though...I've been to Natchez twice and she is coming back this way FRIDAY! Woo hoo!!

While I was recovering from my C-section and the boys were being taken SO well care of in Memphis we were reminded at what amazing people we have in our lives. So, many people brought food and happies I feel I will be writing thank you notes for a VERY long time. I took a picture of this particular meal from Keri Graves and Lindsay Jones, friends of ours as well as being in our supper club. (Which 'unoficially' kicks back off tonight with a meeting of the wives to plan our first meal back and our Celebrity Couples Halloween Party!!) Anyway, back to the meal at hand here. Keri and Lindsay brought EVERYTHING that you see here. EVERYTHING! All the way down to the placemats and flowers. I mean does it get any sweeter than that??? I venture to say NO WAY!

 Oh! Happy! Day! Our last visit to the NICU to pick up our little guys. I took this with my phone because it was one of the cutest things I've ever seen and couldn't get to my camera in time. John Allen couldn't get down that hall fast enough! After a visit everyday for 12 days...we were just about OVER Memphis! However, we were seriously short-termers compared to just about everyone else we met who had been or would be there for months! God is so heart couldn't take it!
 One month old TODAY! They both fit in their nap nanny together...but not for too much longer after this!

While MiMi was here we did a LOT of walking and then strolling when the boys got home. They LOVE to be outside, like most babies. It was just so dang hot, sometimes I thought we might literally melt!

We are now in a 'groove'...well, sort of. I mean as much of a groove as you can be in with two new infant babies in your house and a super busy 7 year old and two parents with some serious sleep deprivation. But hey, it is what it is and I'm not the first person to ever have multiples. I will tell you this though...until you have them, you will NEVER KNOW. It is absolutely NUTS, but we love it.

Let's not leave out the Greatest Big Brother EVER! And I do mean that. He is absolutely wonderful with the boys and helps me SO MUCH. If he hears them crying, he will run in their room and give them their pacifiers and gently touch thier little heads just like they taught us in the NICU. If that doesn't work, then he can pick them safely out of their beds, and hold them. He can feed them a bottle like no other 7 year old you've ever seen! Not to mention, he is a FABULOUS little 'fetcher'. His last little task to learn is how to change a diaper...I'm going to start working on that soon:)

This picture is from our first road trip to the lake. It was great to get out of the house and not to mention, I could finally have a few cocktails with everyone. I mean if you're at the lake, right? It's just not the same without a little libation.

I am going to really try to be dilligent in posting to this from here on out as this will probably be the only way that I will remember anything about our lives at this moment. I seriously don't remember which one I feed during the night the next day and I can barely get myself together to be dressed before Webb gets home from school. Not sure where the time will come for this, but I hope I can stick to it so all of our boys know that we loved them with all of our hearts.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Spring Break 2010...TUNICA, MS

So, while many people were chilling out on a beach somewhere or just traveling to places far and wide, we were at home for Spring Break. Don't feel bad for us though...we actually had Mimi for the ENTIRE week!! We LOVED having her and Webb said, more than 5 or 6 times, that Mimi should just live with us because we have a guest bedroom that she could 'fit' in. It is just a shame that Natchez and Tunica are SOOOO far apart. Anyway, I woke up each day just waiting for my mom to say...'well, I guess I better head back'...all the while listing ALL of the things that she needed to do and the people that count on her for so many things in their lives. Instead, she and Webb slept late every morning and we never got out of our jammies until around lunch time. It was wonderful. We needed her and she was here. To be honest, I don't think she wanted to leave even when she did, but she does have a life and after a full week I felt the least that I could do would be to 'give her back' to her life. If any men happen upon this post I'm sure you are thinking 'WOW, a whole week with the mother-in-law?!?!? Was John Allen out of town or what?" Well, no he wasn't. He was here and he was wonderful. He insisted that Mimi stay the whole week and even said he liked her being here...and you know what? I really think he did. He is a special man and I thank God everyday for having him in our life. To the moon and back, John Allen :)
So, while we didn't necessarily have a 'Girls Gone Wild' week for Spring Break, we did make a trip to the Memphis zoo while she was here. It was FREEZING all week and then on the first pretty day that rolled around we got up, got dressed, (after 11:00, of course) and headed to the zoo. It was a great day...

If you haven't been to the Memphis Zoo lately, or ever, and you live within a decent driving distance, I highly reccommend a trip. We 'aquired' a membership this day in hopes that we make a few more trips before the weather is so hot that the animals all go into hiding! Seriously, it is a beautiful zoo and they are adding new things ALL of the time. Webb's favorite exhibit of the day were the polar bears. We have been to the zoo several times and it has always been too warm for them to be out. Well, this was our lucky day!!! They were our swimming and playing and really putting on a 'show'. Webb stood with his face pressed to the  glass tank for over half an hour! I think I took 50 pictures of him in there, but these were the cutest. This one bear swam around and around and around. It was so much fun to watch and even moreso to see how much Webb enjoyed them.

Because there is an entire album from the zoo that will have to be posted elsewhere, I will post just this one last pic. Our FAVORITE animals at the zoo and well, just in general...THE TIGERS!! The tigers at the Memphis zoo are HUGE and the white tiger is just beautiful! The 'CATS' were the last things we saw before we left and it was obviously feeding time. They were all pacing back and forth and was pretty cool. I want to pack a lunch and go pic-nik at the zoo one day. Anyone want to join us?

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Imagine our suprise going to bed with a forcast for 'possibly some light flurries' and waking up to nearly 4-5 inches of snow!!! This was a few weeks ago, of course, and I'm OVER the cold weather now, but Webb had a BLAST! Tony, Holland and Dobbs came to pick us up that morning and we all went to the levee, where there were probably 20 children and their parents sledding. 'Mr. Tom' brought hot chocolate for everyone, which was REALLY enjoyed because it was FREEZING!!! John Allen joined us after he went to work for a while and took a little trip down the hill once or twice with Webb, which was pretty funny if I do say so myself.

The crew, Webb,Dobbs, Anne Lawton and Maddie Kate, flew down the levee many, many times and enjoyed every second! I was pretty impressed with Webb towing the sled back up the hill for the girls (almost every time). The rest of the day was spent thawing out and lots of indoor activites...mostly electronic. Webb got a Wii and a Nintendo DSi for Christmas and I'm not terribly proud to say that he is a bit addicted to both, but VERY good at both, as well. As clumsy as he is, his hand-eye coordination is AMAZING on both of those games.

We are anxiously awaiting the arrival of Spring and all that entails. Webb can't wait for his birthday and asks me rather often how many weeks he has to wait. He told me that in March, he can start counting days instead of weeks. I can't believe he will be 6 years old!!! Where has the time gone? If you find it...please let me know. I'd like a little bit of it back!!!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

It's February already...seriously?

Time has truly gotten away from me as far as this 'blogging' goes. I'm just not very good at finding time to sit down each day or even once a week for that matter to update our lives. I am envious of those of you that do, but really there just aren't enough hours in the day.
Anyway, since my last post we've celebrated Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years and now into Mardi Gras. Well, in my life Mardi Gras is a season...not so much in the 'part of the world' that I live in, but whatever. I have an AWESOME Mardi Gras wreath on my door, made for me by my pal Shannon Hand Roundtree. She has started her own business 'Wreaths for all Occasions' and was kind enough to donate one to the silent auction at Tunica Academy and when I saw her Mardi Gras wreaths, I HAD to have one. I'm sure most people passing my house wonder what those strange masks are on my front door, but just like before...'whatever'.
You might be able to tell from my tone that I am just a bit out of sorts today. Not that anyone is really reading this with my 3 'followers' but if I may just take a moment to 'vent', I would be ever so appreciative.
This year I took on the task of PTA Treasurer. I did it because I TRULY wanted to be more involved with the school and feel like I was 'doing something' to help. I've loved getting to know the teachers and administration and I've been in contact with parents that I would probably not have met had I not been in this position. I've loved it...really, for the most part, I have. HERE is my gripe though. Our school has SEVERAL fund raisers throughout the year that require LOTS of volunteer support in addition to monetary donations. Well, in spite of the 'recession' we have been very pleased with the outcome on the money side. I am so disappointed to say though, the volunteer support is less than satisfactory and I would even venture to say unacceptable. I grew up in a small school, so I am aware of what it takes to be 'successful' and keep things running smoothly. My mother was always 'available' for any task that she was called on to do whether she was working or not. I learned that from her and I am happy to say that I am making every attempt to be the same way.
At Tunica Academy this year, here is what I've experienced that aggrivates me to no end. People who volunteer to take on a task and then either half-heartedly do it and barely complete it if they complete it at all. Those who complain to anyone and everyone that will listen about the way things are done, yet they never lift a finger to help do ANYTHING. OR...those same people who can not understand doing something DIFFERENT and lose thier minds about it, but still never offer to even help do it the old way.
I have my faults, I'll be the first to admit that! I procrastinate like crazy, but I honestly get things done 'under the gun' better than starting a month early and then losing track of what I'm doing. I'm aware of that 'flaw' though and take that into account when I have a task to handle. I'll accept critcism for how I do things...I may not like it, but I'll take it and then I will try to do better next time. So, with that said, criticize me all you want...I'm a big girl.
As in most small schools, there are the same handful of people that do ALL the work ALL of the time. In our case, I've noticed this year that we are even short of a 'handful'. (Props here though to those who worked on the Big Blue Blash...lots of work went in and it was a GREAT event. STILL lots of those who said 'I'll help, I'll help'...and never saw them again, but I can't complain much on that event at all) It's time for some folks to STEP UP TO THE PLATE though. There are people that help and 'do' and have been for 20+ years. They are tired...they are OVER IT and I don't blame them. There are over 200 students attending TA and I can say without hesitation that we have less than 1/3 of the support of the parents of those students. When PTA meetings consist of 5-6 of the SAME Teachers and MAYBE 3 parents...THREE?!?!?!?! What's the point? I keep asking myself that question and my answer is this...
I grew up in a school that I can now appreciate. Sure, there were politics and things that should have been done differently at times, but for the most part it was and is done right. Parents were and are involved in their children's lives. The school RUNS because of volunteers NOT looking for recognition, but looking to improve their children's education and day to day lives. At Tunica Academy THAT is what needs to be in the forefront of every parent's thought. YOUR CHILDREN!!!! What is the alternative if this school ceases to exist? Even though that has almost come to reality in the past, I really don't think people have SERIOUSLY considered the ramifications of that. In Tunica you have ONE other school to choose from or you will drive 30+ miles one way to another school or you will have to find a school that will bus your child to and from. NONE of those options are what I want for myself or my child.
The answer is...we have no choice. If you are a parent, then GET INVOLVED before you condemn or complain about the way things are done. If you are a parent, GET INVOLVED before you blame teachers or admistration. If you are a parent, GET INVOLVED before you judge other people for being involved. If you are a parent...BE A PARENT!!!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

From Halloween to a very early Christmas

This year, Halloween felt like we celebrated it for over a week! I guess the combination of dressing up for Homecoming week and then again for school the Friday before Halloween and then the Halloween Carnival at school Friday night and THEN FINALLY the actual event!! We had a great time though. We were invited on a hayride with our neighbors, Chad and Anna Mary Meyers. We tackled School St. and then came on home. The weather was perfect and the kids had a blast! Webb was a vampire, which worried John Allen a little that a 5 year old would want to be a blood sucking vampire, but...he was and he looked great. His tagline was 'Prepare to meet your DOOOOOM'!!! I have NO idea where that came from, but hey, it worked for him.

Following Halloween, we were treated to a visit from MiMi for grandparents day. Now I know that I am a little partial, I mean she is my mother, but I am amazed by her. At 76 years young she jumped in her car by herself and drove 250 miles to Tunica and then two days later, drove home. Grandparents day was a fun morning. The kids all sang songs in the gym and then we headed to the book fair! MiMi and K-Kay got Webb some GREAT books and believe me...we've been reading!

This past weekend, after months and months of research and shopping by Mike-Mike and John Allen, Webb was suprised with an enormous playset in the backyard when he came home on Sunday. We all discussed it and realized that if it was a Christmas present it would most likely sit in the back yard until April when the weather was warmer. So, the executive decision was made to just go ahead and let him have it and HE LOVES IT! It took ALL day Sunday to get it together and it looks awesome. Thank you Hardest, Peter, Mr. Tim and Justin for helping...

Most of all, thank you to Mike-Mike and K-Kay. Mike has been DETERMINED Webb was going to have a playset of some kind for over a year. I have some pretty fantastic in-laws! I don't know what we did to deserve them but we love them very much.
And lastly, if you will indulge me a moment I would like thank my precious husband. He is an enormous part of Webb's life and I honestly could not do this without him. He is patient, loving, and kind...I stand to learn a lot from him as our years progress. He has taken on a tremendous 'job' and I love him more everyday for it. Thank you, John Allen! We love you to the moon and back!!

Monday, October 26, 2009

No job...yet less time for EVERYTHING!!!

So I apologize for not keeping this up. Shortly after I had this grand blogging idea, I was 'let go' from my position at Tunica Chiropractic. It's turned out (other than financially) to be a blessing in disguise. I was not the happiest camper there and to be honest...where was that going anyway. Since that day I've spent an amazing amount of time with my two favorite men in the world and have been able to substitute at Webb's school LOTS of times as well as be a super dedicated volunteer there as well. So, all in all, it's been okay. I truly need to get busy finding some gainful employment though.

Anyway, enough of that. Let's talk about Webb. So since I last posted we've been pretty busy. We went home for the Fall Festival at Cathedral and had a great time. Webb was able to see some of his old friends, yet we still managed to miss his two favorite girls...Mollie and Olivia. I promised him that we would go back one weekend soon when there wasn't ANYTHING going on. So, we'll see.

Tunica Academy had Homecoming Spirit week last week and one day was NERD DAY. Well guess who won in the kindergarten!!?!?!? That's right, our own little Webbman. His Aunt Martha decked him out!! I emailed the pic to some but if there are any of you out there reading this who haven't seen it-it's here for your enjoyment as well. Also, those of you reading this...JOIN MY BLOG!!! C'mon's not hard-I promise.

Funny story-2 weeks ago there was a good bit of baby talk going on at school about Webb's friends having baby brothers and sisters or teachers expecting babies. Webb had a little break down one night asking why he didn't have a little one. I tried my best to explain, but really? What do you say. He was pathetic and truly sad!! I told him that one day he would have one and his response was...'I'm going to be so old it won't even be fun!' Little runt. Well...just so happened we were lucky enough to get to grab our little backdoor neighbor, Ann Parker, for a few hours. With the first cry of hunger as we walked in the back door, Webb changed his mind. 'Take her Mr. Chad to come and get her!!!!' He's decided that he can wait on a little one. They 'scare' him when they cry! :(

Well, it's not much, but it's a post. I'll honestly try to do better. With Halloween coming up this weekend, we will have pictures to post for sure.

Check back and if I'm not doing my job~let me know!!

Monday, August 17, 2009


Well, we made it through the first three days of school with ALL green lights. For those of you not familiar with the 'green light'...that's GREAT! The discipline at school is done on a red light, yellow light, and green light basis. Red, being not so great, we hope for none of those, but we all have our days. Webb had his first homework assignment, which K-Kay helped him with. I LOVE having a first grade teacher as a grandmother!!! So...first 3 days? So far so good!

Webb calls our neighbors, Mr. Tom and Miss Laura, our 'neighbor family'. He absolutely worships Mr. Tom and I believe the feeling is mutual. Tom loves for Webb to come and keep him company while he works in the yard. A couple of Saturdays ago, John Allen was working and I had to attend a baby shower. I was going to drop Webb off with John Allen at the car lot for about an hour, but Mr. Tom called and asked for me to just bring Webb to him. So...I did. He was so excited to have Mr. Tom all to himself.

When I returned home, I found that Tom, John Allen, and Webb were out gallivanting around town. They had gone to the Blue and White for lunch and then to Mr. Ched and Miss Emily's to play. Ched and Emily set up a slip and slide in their back yard for Webb so he played for a long time which allowed me quiet time to clean and write thank you notes. The boys finally came home...WITH the slip and slide! Mr. Tom and John Allen set it up in Tom and Laura's back yard and Webb continued to enjoy it! I took over from this point, while the two 'grown' boys went to buy Webb a pool. They came home with an above ground pool that we could ALL fit in. Webb was ECSTATIC! They set it up on Tom and Laura's patio so as not to ruin any grass. Tom and John Allen have a 'thing' about their grass. Anyway, thanks to that purchase Webb has enjoyed many hours splashing around and diving for his dive sticks. He is truly just a little fish and LOVES the water.

Say a prayer for us on this first full week of school. Webb wasn't as eager to get up this morning. He told me that he didn't want to go to school anymore because they had to take naps or lay down and he doesn't like that time at school. Also, Ms. Susan won't let you 'just do whatever you want to do and play'. GO MS. SUSAN!!! Anyway, after a little persuasion, he got all decked out in his uniform and changed his attitude a little bit. So, we'll see!

Wish us luck!!!
