Well, we made it through the first three days of school with ALL green lights. For those of you not familiar with the 'green light'...that's GREAT! The discipline at school is done on a red light, yellow light, and green light basis. Red, being not so great, we hope for none of those, but we all have our days. Webb had his first homework assignment, which K-Kay helped him with. I LOVE having a first grade teacher as a grandmother!!! So...first 3 days? So far so good!
Webb calls our neighbors, Mr. Tom and Miss Laura, our 'neighbor family'. He absolutely worships Mr. Tom and I believe the feeling is mutual. Tom loves for Webb to come and keep him company while he works in the yard. A couple of Saturdays ago, John Allen was working and I had to attend a baby shower. I was going to drop Webb off with John Allen at the car lot for about an hour, but Mr. Tom called and asked for me to just bring Webb to him. So...I did. He was so excited to have Mr. Tom all to himself.
When I returned home, I found that Tom, John Allen, and Webb were out gallivanting around town. They had gone to the Blue and White for lunch and then to Mr. Ched and Miss Emily's to play. Ched and Emily set up a slip and slide in their back yard for Webb so he played for a long time which allowed me quiet time to clean and write thank you notes. The boys finally came home...WITH the slip and slide! Mr. Tom and John Allen set it up in Tom and Laura's back yard and Webb continued to enjoy it! I took over from this point, while the two 'grown' boys went to buy Webb a pool. They came home with an above ground pool that we could ALL fit in. Webb was ECSTATIC! They set it up on Tom and Laura's patio so as not to ruin any grass. Tom and John Allen have a 'thing' about their grass. Anyway, thanks to that purchase Webb has enjoyed many hours splashing around and diving for his dive sticks. He is truly just a little fish and LOVES the water.
Say a prayer for us on this first full week of school. Webb wasn't as eager to get up this morning. He told me that he didn't want to go to school anymore because they had to take naps or lay down and he doesn't like that time at school. Also, Ms. Susan won't let you 'just do whatever you want to do and play'. GO MS. SUSAN!!! Anyway, after a little persuasion, he got all decked out in his uniform and changed his attitude a little bit. So, we'll see!
Wish us luck!!!
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