Imagine our suprise going to bed with a forcast for 'possibly some light flurries' and waking up to nearly 4-5 inches of snow!!! This was a few weeks ago, of course, and I'm OVER the cold weather now, but Webb had a BLAST! Tony, Holland and Dobbs came to pick us up that morning and we all went to the levee, where there were probably 20 children and their parents sledding. 'Mr. Tom' brought hot chocolate for everyone, which was REALLY enjoyed because it was FREEZING!!! John Allen joined us after he went to work for a while and took a little trip down the hill once or twice with Webb, which was pretty funny if I do say so myself.

The crew, Webb,Dobbs, Anne Lawton and Maddie Kate, flew down the levee many, many times and enjoyed every second! I was pretty impressed with Webb towing the sled back up the hill for the girls (almost every time). The rest of the day was spent thawing out and lots of indoor activites...mostly electronic. Webb got a Wii and a Nintendo DSi for Christmas and I'm not terribly proud to say that he is a bit addicted to both, but VERY good at both, as well. As clumsy as he is, his hand-eye coordination is AMAZING on both of those games.
We are anxiously awaiting the arrival of Spring and all that entails. Webb can't wait for his birthday and asks me rather often how many weeks he has to wait. He told me that in March, he can start counting days instead of weeks. I can't believe he will be 6 years old!!! Where has the time gone? If you find it...please let me know. I'd like a little bit of it back!!!
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