Wednesday, November 11, 2009

From Halloween to a very early Christmas

This year, Halloween felt like we celebrated it for over a week! I guess the combination of dressing up for Homecoming week and then again for school the Friday before Halloween and then the Halloween Carnival at school Friday night and THEN FINALLY the actual event!! We had a great time though. We were invited on a hayride with our neighbors, Chad and Anna Mary Meyers. We tackled School St. and then came on home. The weather was perfect and the kids had a blast! Webb was a vampire, which worried John Allen a little that a 5 year old would want to be a blood sucking vampire, but...he was and he looked great. His tagline was 'Prepare to meet your DOOOOOM'!!! I have NO idea where that came from, but hey, it worked for him.

Following Halloween, we were treated to a visit from MiMi for grandparents day. Now I know that I am a little partial, I mean she is my mother, but I am amazed by her. At 76 years young she jumped in her car by herself and drove 250 miles to Tunica and then two days later, drove home. Grandparents day was a fun morning. The kids all sang songs in the gym and then we headed to the book fair! MiMi and K-Kay got Webb some GREAT books and believe me...we've been reading!

This past weekend, after months and months of research and shopping by Mike-Mike and John Allen, Webb was suprised with an enormous playset in the backyard when he came home on Sunday. We all discussed it and realized that if it was a Christmas present it would most likely sit in the back yard until April when the weather was warmer. So, the executive decision was made to just go ahead and let him have it and HE LOVES IT! It took ALL day Sunday to get it together and it looks awesome. Thank you Hardest, Peter, Mr. Tim and Justin for helping...

Most of all, thank you to Mike-Mike and K-Kay. Mike has been DETERMINED Webb was going to have a playset of some kind for over a year. I have some pretty fantastic in-laws! I don't know what we did to deserve them but we love them very much.
And lastly, if you will indulge me a moment I would like thank my precious husband. He is an enormous part of Webb's life and I honestly could not do this without him. He is patient, loving, and kind...I stand to learn a lot from him as our years progress. He has taken on a tremendous 'job' and I love him more everyday for it. Thank you, John Allen! We love you to the moon and back!!

Monday, October 26, 2009

No job...yet less time for EVERYTHING!!!

So I apologize for not keeping this up. Shortly after I had this grand blogging idea, I was 'let go' from my position at Tunica Chiropractic. It's turned out (other than financially) to be a blessing in disguise. I was not the happiest camper there and to be honest...where was that going anyway. Since that day I've spent an amazing amount of time with my two favorite men in the world and have been able to substitute at Webb's school LOTS of times as well as be a super dedicated volunteer there as well. So, all in all, it's been okay. I truly need to get busy finding some gainful employment though.

Anyway, enough of that. Let's talk about Webb. So since I last posted we've been pretty busy. We went home for the Fall Festival at Cathedral and had a great time. Webb was able to see some of his old friends, yet we still managed to miss his two favorite girls...Mollie and Olivia. I promised him that we would go back one weekend soon when there wasn't ANYTHING going on. So, we'll see.

Tunica Academy had Homecoming Spirit week last week and one day was NERD DAY. Well guess who won in the kindergarten!!?!?!? That's right, our own little Webbman. His Aunt Martha decked him out!! I emailed the pic to some but if there are any of you out there reading this who haven't seen it-it's here for your enjoyment as well. Also, those of you reading this...JOIN MY BLOG!!! C'mon's not hard-I promise.

Funny story-2 weeks ago there was a good bit of baby talk going on at school about Webb's friends having baby brothers and sisters or teachers expecting babies. Webb had a little break down one night asking why he didn't have a little one. I tried my best to explain, but really? What do you say. He was pathetic and truly sad!! I told him that one day he would have one and his response was...'I'm going to be so old it won't even be fun!' Little runt. Well...just so happened we were lucky enough to get to grab our little backdoor neighbor, Ann Parker, for a few hours. With the first cry of hunger as we walked in the back door, Webb changed his mind. 'Take her Mr. Chad to come and get her!!!!' He's decided that he can wait on a little one. They 'scare' him when they cry! :(

Well, it's not much, but it's a post. I'll honestly try to do better. With Halloween coming up this weekend, we will have pictures to post for sure.

Check back and if I'm not doing my job~let me know!!

Monday, August 17, 2009


Well, we made it through the first three days of school with ALL green lights. For those of you not familiar with the 'green light'...that's GREAT! The discipline at school is done on a red light, yellow light, and green light basis. Red, being not so great, we hope for none of those, but we all have our days. Webb had his first homework assignment, which K-Kay helped him with. I LOVE having a first grade teacher as a grandmother!!! So...first 3 days? So far so good!

Webb calls our neighbors, Mr. Tom and Miss Laura, our 'neighbor family'. He absolutely worships Mr. Tom and I believe the feeling is mutual. Tom loves for Webb to come and keep him company while he works in the yard. A couple of Saturdays ago, John Allen was working and I had to attend a baby shower. I was going to drop Webb off with John Allen at the car lot for about an hour, but Mr. Tom called and asked for me to just bring Webb to him. So...I did. He was so excited to have Mr. Tom all to himself.

When I returned home, I found that Tom, John Allen, and Webb were out gallivanting around town. They had gone to the Blue and White for lunch and then to Mr. Ched and Miss Emily's to play. Ched and Emily set up a slip and slide in their back yard for Webb so he played for a long time which allowed me quiet time to clean and write thank you notes. The boys finally came home...WITH the slip and slide! Mr. Tom and John Allen set it up in Tom and Laura's back yard and Webb continued to enjoy it! I took over from this point, while the two 'grown' boys went to buy Webb a pool. They came home with an above ground pool that we could ALL fit in. Webb was ECSTATIC! They set it up on Tom and Laura's patio so as not to ruin any grass. Tom and John Allen have a 'thing' about their grass. Anyway, thanks to that purchase Webb has enjoyed many hours splashing around and diving for his dive sticks. He is truly just a little fish and LOVES the water.

Say a prayer for us on this first full week of school. Webb wasn't as eager to get up this morning. He told me that he didn't want to go to school anymore because they had to take naps or lay down and he doesn't like that time at school. Also, Ms. Susan won't let you 'just do whatever you want to do and play'. GO MS. SUSAN!!! Anyway, after a little persuasion, he got all decked out in his uniform and changed his attitude a little bit. So, we'll see!

Wish us luck!!!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Kindergarten-how did this happen so quickly?

Well it happened yesterday. The day all mothers hear about but can not truly understand until it actually arrives. Webb's first day of 'big school'...kindergarten. Pre-K3 and 4 do prepare you somewhat for this step, but it is truly amazing how just the word 'kindergarten' causes such emotion and anxiety. The nervousness and worry of all of the new things to be learned. Playtime is over and now it's time to go to a place that is actually MANDATED by the federal government. The worry of homework, reading, writing, only 2 recess periods, NAP TIME! With all of these worries, I can't believe I made it through yesterday without having a breakdown. Webb's confidence and excitement to get to 'Miss' Susan's class helped to ease my anxiety a bit though.
All in all, I think I handled it well. Having 'K-Kay' just down the hall doesn't hurt either... :)

Webb alerted me the day prior that John Allen was going to wake him up for school by coming in his room and jumping on him. This is a little game the two of them have and Webb loves it. He begs John Allen to lay on top of him to the point where any and all existing air in his lungs is expelled causing an agonizing 'ugggghhh', followed by hysterical laughter upon John Allen's release. 'Do it again Jah'allen, do it again!!!' And of course, Jah'allen (Webb's pronunciation of his name) complies. So the morning began with this game and John Allen got Webb dressed in his new uniform clothes complete with shirt tucked in (which Webb wasn't thrilled about), belt and his new gray tennis shoes that only required a visit to SIX stores before finding the right kind and size, brand new back pack with 'Webb' embroidered at the top, and the coolest Spiderman lunch box! He was just adorable...and so grown up.

After loading up all of our school supplies in the car, off we went to Tunica Academy. We turned on School Street just behind Matthew, which thrilled Webb. We parked just behind the McCraw's at school and Webb jumped out of the car and ran to Matthew, so excited to see him and compare new shoes. He wanted to just walk in with Matthew and his parents, not concerned about the loads of equipment that I had to haul in from the car. I couldn't allow this...not on the first day. I mean how could he not want to be with me...wasn't he nervous, wasn't he wondering what to expect, wasn't he thinking about how he was truly in real school now and wasn't a baby anymore???!!! I guess not...but I sure was all of those things. I didn't get an argument though when I asked to help me with his nap mat and lunch box. He gladly took his arm load and headed for the door. He led me right to his classroom and walked right in. Thanks to K-Kay, he has the luxury of the 'run of the school' in the summer when he accompanies her to her classroom, so these halls are not foreign to him and he is completely at home here. Thank you K-Kay...though some teachers might not appreciate this 'comfortable' feeling he has, I sure do!!

We hung up our backpack and lunchbox and he took his seat at his table which is just across from Matthew, thank goodness! Parents stood back and watched as their little 'people' milled around taking in their new surroundings. There were some tears, mostly parents, but a few children. However, they did not last long. As I stood and watched this first day unfold, I was sad, happy, excited, nostalgic, and proud all at the same time. My heart was in my throat as I thought of Webb as a newborn and the special times that we spent reading and singing and rocking. I pictured him in his baby angelic, so sweet. I thought about him learning to crawl and walk and talk...not necessarily in that order. I remembered times that he literally brought me to tears because of sweet things he would say as a toddler. I was caught up in my baby's life as a baby. As I looked over to find him, I saw that he and Matthew had moved from the table to the floor and found some army men to play with. My sweet, angelic baby was holding a little figure and SHOOK me from my nostalgia with the sounds of machine gun fire!!!! It was a beautiful moment while it lasted.

I could tell that parents were slowly making their way toward the door so I assumed it was my turn to do the same. I leaned down to tell Webb good-bye and though I wasn't sure what to expect as he was so involved with the 'game' he was playing, my heart melted when he heard my voice say 'good bye' and he stopped, stood up, and hugged and kissed me good-bye...'I love you too, Mommy'...and the machine gun began to fire again.

We made it through the day with the only tears coming from a melted Reece's in his lunchbox and a ball to the face at recess. John Allen, as always, and why we love him so, solved the melted chocolate issue by bringing home a cold pack for his lunch box for his Capri Sun and Reece's
Hopefully those tears at lunch will be taken care of as far as that's concerned. We were out of cheese this morning though...............

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Our family...Webb's family

I am starting this blog for many reasons but mainly because I want to share so many things about Webb and our life with our family and friends, but there are just SO many members of that group that I can't do it all vocally. I started writing to Webb nearly everyday in a little book before he was born and once he arrived my entries became less often and eventually drew to a close. It didn't take very long, by the way, to not be able to find time in the day to sit and journal our lives for him.

So, now I'm hoping I can take time out to do this for Webb...for me...for John Allen...and those of you who care enough about our lives to read it. If not everyday, which could just be obnoxious, at least once a week or so just to keep up with our 'goings on'.

So-let's get going...

On July 24th, we officially became a 'family'. By that, I mean that John Allen and I were married and though we've felt like a family for some time now, this day made it all worthwhile and real to us. Especially for Webb, even if he doesn't really know or understand it quite yet.

We were thrilled to have so many of our friends and family there on the beach to celebrate with us. We had a great time and on the day of the wedding we couldn't have asked for better weather or a more beautiful setting. My sisters, as usual, headed up the troops and delegated responsibilities so everything was set up and ready to go. My brothers, sisters, neices and nephews truly stepped up to make it a beautiful occasion.

We are at home now, in Tunica and settling back into 'life' as we know it. This 'life' is what I what I want to capture here and share with you.
